Flame Alive Fellowship Members

Timothy Austin
Dona Badget
Linda Bailey
Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Dorothy Blodgett
Susan and Bob Bolling
Sandy and Rick Boyd
Ronald Buckalew
Cecily and Rick Burleson
James Byerly
Hazel and Carleton Cole
Karen and Gus Comiskey
Kathy Schenck David Glassford
Carolyn and Platt Davis
Cari and David Dawson
Bonnie and David Deaton
Carol and Rocky Duckworth
Peggy Edwards
Jannis Elmore
Katie and Chris Fields
Richard Fuqua II
Zana and John Gorman
Laurie Graef
Donna and Mark Greek
Roberta Haekel
Mike Hall
Debbie and Britt Hance
Nina Hanks
Suzanne Harter
Christa and Vince Hash
Peggy and Paul Hennek
Kathryn Hennington
Kristi and Keith Herdon
Clay Hightower
John Hockenberry
Marcia Hudgens
Dianne and Stacy Hunt
Ed Jensen
Kris and Mark Jodon
Vicki Jud
Gayle and Layne Kruse
K.D.  Kuykendall
Libbi and Jeff Lake
Tara and Jim Limmer
Melinda and Bob Livingston
Julia and Mike Maher
Marilyn and Jonathan McEvoy
Sarah and John Mills
Diana and Michael Montgomery
Gary Moore
Jane and Kenneth Page
Laura and David Pattillo
Carol Pehlman
Ann and Terry Radney
Diane and Brent Rager
Cathy and Ronald Ramsey
Rebecca and Giles Rayburn
Karen and Russ Ridgway
Marla and Todd Riedel
Nicola Salazar
Elinar Samuelsen
Angie and Jim Schwartz
Georganne Scruggs
James Spencer
Sherry and Ross Spencer
Charlene Storms
Yvonne and David Streit
Pam and Jerry Treadwell
Lonna and Ed Turner
Carolyn Van Dyke
Lisa and John Walker
Charlotte and Larry Whaley
Jo White
Karyl and Charles White
Nancy and Kenneth Wiech
John Williams
Jane and David Wise